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THP Hair Extensions: What to expect, Home care and Maintenance

OHHHHH yess, there you are, you sexy long haired minx! We see you leaving the salon swinging that hair around, taking selfies in the car, HELL YES. Hair extensions are going to cost you some bucks initially but will be your best fake friend, as long as you care for them and know what to expect. Lets look at what to expect while you are rocking that new hair.

What to expect…
  • Your Head may be sore for the first few days to a week.  Your scalp is getting used to the extra weight from the new hair.

  • Head may be itchy, this is normal for the first couple of weeks when hair extensions are installed. "Tap or pat dont scratch".

  • We recommended for the first 2 weeks to avoid high or tight ponytails.  Low ponytails or braids are ok if you need to put your hair up.  

  • Sleep with your hair in a low braid to avoid tangling while sleeping.

  • Your hair extensions will feel really slick for the first 2ish weeks. The hair has been pre treatd with keratin to smooth out the cuticle.  It will take a few weeks for this coating to wear off and your hair extensions will mimic your natural hair.  

  • Small tangles are normal in each bond, we lose 80-100 hairs per day, and some of those hairs are in an extension bond, when the extensions are removed that small tangle and loose hair will be brushed out. 

  • In the first few weeks it is normal to have an extension or two slip out.  Keep any extension hair that slips out in a shoe box. Please contact your stylist if an abnormal amount starts to slip out (over 10-15 bonds in the first two weeks) 


  • After Fusion or Tape-in extensions are installed please do not wash hair for 24-48 hours. This allows the bond to set. You do not need to wait to wash if you have I Tip or the copper bead method.

  • Always brush and detangle hair from root to end before washing. Hold hair at the base of your head and brush out any tangles. 

  • Apply recommend shampoo at the root washing gently with your fingers by combing down to the ends of your hair.  (Avoid Swirling the shampoo at the root, this may lead to tangles which can be hard to get out.)  If it has been a few days since your last shampoo it is ok to shampoo twice to get your hair clean. Rinse thoroughly. 

  • Apply conditioner from the mid shaft of the hair to the ends and on the top of your hair that is not in an extension, run your fingers gently through the ends and rinse. Avoid conditioning at the root area where extensions are placed to avoid them slipping out.

  • After you get out of the shower, get the excess water out by grabbing the roots and squeezing down to the ends with a towel. 

  • Use recommended heat protectant/ detangler spray and brush out immediately holding your hair at the base. You can then flip your head over and wrap it up in a towel to get the extra water out.

(click the Shampoo, conditioner and spray to purchase from amazon today!)

Drying and Styling

  • Allow yourself some extra time when you are getting ready, it will take about 2 weeks to get used to your new hair and the new routine to style it.

  • Brush hair one more time after taking hair down from the towel.

  • Section off your hair and start Rough Drying from the base of your hair angeling your blow dryer down the hair shaft. Use a paddle, flat or round brush to smooth and dry your hair.

#24inhairextensions #hairextensionsscottsdale #thehairphixscottsdale
Hanna's 24in Hair extensions, length and color

  • Hair extensions will hold a little more water than our normal hair. When you think your hair is dry, turn off the blow dryer and touch your hair, if it still feels cold in some places it still has some moisture in it, just hit it with your blow dryer again.  When it stays warmer to the touch then you know its dry. 

  • You can style your new hair as you would your normal hair with a blow dryer, curling iron, flat iron ect. 

(Click the picture to purchase the Best Curling Iron/wand)

Well now you have it, the links to our favorite products and tools for hair extensions along with all of the at home maintnece and things we could think of. We love hair extensions, for the transformations, confidence and overall sass that comes with them.

Happy Hair,

G and C

(we do virtual consultations, if you need us to ship you hair for your person to install)

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